Brand sharpening & UI Kit
Brand sharpening & UI Kit


Project overview: UI Library and Brand sharpening

Project Scope
  • UI Library Creation: Designed a comprehensive UI Library tailored to AutoVex's needs, ensuring consistency and efficiency across all user interfaces.
  • Brand Clarification: Enhanced AutoVex's brand identity by refining visual elements and aligning them with the company's core values and market positioning.
  • Website UI and UX Design: Designed intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for AutoVex's website, improving the overall user experience and accessibility.
  • Car sales flow optimization: Streamlined the car sales process through the creation of a seamless and engaging user interface, facilitating easier navigation and transaction completion.
Project Goals
  • Consistency: Establish a uniform visual language across all digital platforms.
  • Brand Cohesion: Strengthen brand recognition and trust through polished and professional design elements.
  • User Experience: Enhance usability and engagement for website visitors and potential customers.
  • Efficiency: Simplify the car sales process, making it more intuitive and less time-comsuming for users.
Key outcomes
  • A versatile and scalable UI Library that can be easily maintained and expanded.
  • A refreshed and cohesive brand identity that resonates with AutoVex's target audience.
  • Improved website interfaces that boost user satisfaction and interaction rates.
  • An optimized car sales flow that contributes to increased sales conversions and customer satisfaction.